Geometry 3D
Function | Description |
ST_3DArea |
Return a polygon's 3D area |
ST_3DLength |
Return the 3D length of a Linestring |
ST_3DPerimeter |
Return the 3D perimeter of a (multi)polygon |
ST_AddZ |
Add a value to the z-coordinate of a Geometry |
ST_ConstrainedDelaunay |
Compute a constrained Delaunay triangulation based on a geometry |
ST_Delaunay |
Compute a Delaunay triangulation based on points |
ST_Drape |
Drape a geometry to a set of triangles |
ST_Extrude |
Extrude a geometry |
ST_Force3D |
2D Geometry → 3D Geometry |
ST_GeometryShadow |
Compute the shadow footprint for a single geometry |
ST_Interpolate3DLine |
Return a Geometry with a interpolation of z values. |
ST_Is3D |
Return 1 if a Geometry has at least one z-coordinate; 0 otherwise |
ST_MultiplyZ |
Return a Geometry's z-values by a factor |
ST_Reverse3DLine |
Potentially reverse a Geometry according to the z-values of its first and last coordinates |
Compute the Sky View Factor |
ST_SunPosition |
Compute the sun position |
ST_Tessellate |
Tessellate a set of Polygon with adaptive triangles |
ST_TriangleAspect |
Return the aspect of a triangle |
ST_TriangleContouring |
Split triangles into smaller triangles according to classes |
ST_TriangleDirection |
Compute the direction of steepest ascent of a triangle |
ST_TriangleSlope |
Compute the slope of a triangle as a percentage |
ST_UpdateZ |
Update the z-values of a Geometry |
ST_Voronoi |
Create a Voronoi diagram. |
ST_Z |
Return the z-value of the first coordinate of a Geometry |
ST_ZMax |
Return the maximum z-value of a Geometry |
ST_ZMin |
Return the minimum z-value of a Geometry |
ST_ZUpdateLineExtremities |
Update the start and end z-values of a Geometry |
Documented functions: 27/27.