Compute the Sky View Factor for a given point based on geometries where:
point : Point coordinates (x, y, z) from which the SVF will be calculated,
geoms : Geometry or set of geometries grouped into a simple or complex geometry, used as sky obstacles (z coordinates should be given and not NaN),
distance : Only obstacles located within this distance from the point are considered in the calculation (exprimed in meters),
rayCount : Number of ray considered for the calculation (number of direction of calculation),
stepRayLength : Length of sub ray used to limit the number of geometries when requested. Each ray is subdivided to make the calculation faster. This argument set the length of each subdivision. Default value = 10.
Case with one entry point
Creation of the table with one point (here exprimed in Lambert 93, French system - EPSG:2154)
Computation of the SVF with:
BUILDING : table with buildings used as obstacles
Distance fixed to 100m
Number of rays fixed to 150
Case with two entry points
Case with a grid of entry points
In the example below, we are using a grid of points to compute SVFs. The grid is built using a table of buildings.