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SHPRead(VARCHAR path);
SHPRead(VARCHAR path, VARCHAR tableName);
SHPRead(VARCHAR path, VARCHAR tableName, VARCHAR fileEncoding);


Reads the file specified by path as a shapefile and copies its contents into a new table tableName in the database. Define fileEncoding to force encoding (useful when the header is missing encoding information).


-- Basic syntax:
CALL SHPRead('/home/user/file.shp', 'tableName');

-- In the next two examples, we show what happens when we attempt to
-- read a SHP file with the wrong encoding, and how to fix it. Here
-- UTF-8 doesn't understand accented characters, so "Sévérac" is
-- displayed as "S".
CALL SHPRead('/home/user/COMMUNE.SHP', 'commune44utf',
SELECT * FROM commune44utf LIMIT 2;
-- Answer:
-- |                 THE_GEOM                  |   NOM   |
-- | ----------------------------------------- | ------- |
-- | MULTIPOLYGON(((350075.2 6719771.8,        | Puceul  |
-- |   350072.7 6719775.5, 350073 6719780.7,   |         |
-- |   350075.2 6719771.8)))                   |         |
-- | MULTIPOLYGON(((317341.5 6727021,          | S       |
-- |   317309.9 6727036.8, 317193.3 6727066.5, |         |
-- |   317341.5 6727021)))                     |         |

-- To fix this problem, we specify the right encoding:
CALL SHPRead('/home/user/COMMUNE.SHP', 'commune44iso',
SELECT * FROM commune44iso LIMIT 2;
-- Answer:
-- |                 THE_GEOM                  |   NOM   |
-- | ----------------------------------------- | ------- |
-- | MULTIPOLYGON(((350075.2 6719771.8,        | Puceul  |
-- |   350072.7 6719775.5, 350073 6719780.7,   |         |
-- |   350075.2 6719771.8)))                   |         |
-- | MULTIPOLYGON(((317341.5 6727021,          | Sévérac |
-- |   317309.9 6727036.8, 317193.3 6727066.5, |         |
-- |   317341.5 6727021)))                     |         |
See also